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Off Campus Housing Resources

Betty Chin Day Center
133 7th Street, Eureka, CA
Transitional Residence Program – A one year transitional residential program, with potential for time extension, for up to five homeless individuals. It is designed for those who are homeless and working toward regaining self-sufficiency. Program participants will be supported by a Case Manager as they work toward independence in all aspects of life including:

  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Money management – Participants are expected to follow a budget and monthly savings plan
  • Education
  • Health
  • Communication skills

Arcata House Partnership / The Annex
501 Ninth St.
Arcata, CA 95521

Providing Adult and Family Shelters, permanent supportive housing, and rapid re-housing. They also help with food insecurity and case management. Their shelters are at capacity. To be placed on the waiting list, please call 2-1-1 or 707-633-6236. There is also a program for people to use the Carpark, which is our safe parking site in Arcata it comes with meals and case management if the client has a vehicle.
Programs & Services: 
Community resources:


Emergency Shelter

Crisis Services: Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
Eureka, CA
707-444-9255 (business)
24-hr crisis phone; emergency shelter for survivors/children; support groups; emergency food, gas, clothes, toiletries, and transportation in/out of area; advocacy and accompaniment to law enforcement, hospitals, court, assistance with DV restraining orders and 1-on-1 peer counseling (by appointment only).

WISH, INC (Women & Children Shelter)
PO Box 642
Garberville, CA 95542
Community-based emergency shelter operating in rural southern Humboldt. Aid and empower women and their children in crisis and/or victims of domestic violence.

Eureka Rescue Mission-Women& Children's Program
107 Third St.
Eureka, CA 95501
Dinner and breakfast are served to those staying in the shelter. Emergency shelter; arrive between 4:45 - 4:55 p.m. Check-in at 4:45 PM.. Released after breakfast.

Eureka Rescue Mission-Men's Program
110 Second St.
Eureka, CA 95501
Dinner, breakfast are served to those staying in the shelter. Emergency shelter opens between 5:30 and 6 p.m., release is between 7 and 7:30 a.m. Has a clothing closet. No walk-ins; must be on schedule.

Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
P.O. Box 969
Eureka, CA 95502
Emergency shelter geared towards those escaping domestic violence.

Two Feathers Native American Services
(Domestic Violence Services)
1650 Betty Court, Suite A
McKinleyville, CA 95519
Social work, emergency services, counseling, therapeutic culture groups. Services are free. Also helps with emergency food, clothing and shelter (up to 3 days) for domestic violence victims. Contact person Kim Brown.

Launch Pad, Youth Services Bureau, RCAA
(Youth Services)
1100 California Street
Eureka, CA 95501
Serving youth, ages 16-21 years old that are homeless, fleeing abusive or dangerous situations or experiencing severe family conflict. YSB services include a 24-hour youth crisis hotline, street outreach and drop-in services, temporary emergency shelter and long term transitional housing.

Betty's Village: 707-407-3833 ** DHHS Koster Campus, Washington Street, Eureka. **


Temporary Housing

Our House
Youth Services Bureau, RCAA
1100 California St.
Eureka, CA 95501
707-444-2273 (crisis line)
A temporary residential program for ages 12 to 17 years old (maximum stay of 21 days) with the goal of family reunification. The majority of all sheltered youth return to their parent or guardian's home after a brief intervention by YSB.

North Coast Veterans Resource Center (HCHV) (Emergency Housing)
109 Fourth St.
Eureka, CA 95501
NCVRC operates a 16-bed Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) behavioral health program. In total, NCVRC is able to provide temporary housing and services to 52 homeless veterans.


Extreme Weather Housing

Winter Shelter Program, Social Services, DHHS
929 Koster St.
Eureka, CA 95501
Each winter, DHHS announces the opening of the winter shelter program and how to apply. Emphasis on families.

McKinleyville Family Resource Center-Extreme Weather Shelter
1450 Hiller Road
McKinleyville, CA 95519
Open when weather info contacts them during extreme conditions. They open for dinner/showers, then people are transported to church locations for overnight stay.



Fortuna Adventist Community Services (Housing resources)
2331 Rohnerville Road
Fortuna, CA 95540
Shelter is geared towards women/children escaping domestic violence.

Section 8 Housing
City of Eureka Housing Authority
735 W Everding Street
Eureka, CA
(707) 443-4583

CalWorks Housing Action Program (HAP): 707-268-3400 or 877-410-8809 ** 929 Koster St., Eureka, 95501. ** To assist homeless families in quickly obtaining permanent housing and provide support for housing retention. For people with children under 18.

Mercy's Haven: 707-844-3042 **  For women and children only, faith-based residential program. Email: mercyshaven213@gmail.comRequires client to look over website and check for compatibility. Process usually involves having Counselor interview with the applicant (though this may not be required).


Low Income and Subsidized Housing

Housing Choice (aka Section 8):  707-443-4583 
City of Eureka Housing Authority: 735 W Everding Street, Eureka, CA

Danco Builders Low-Income Housing projects: 707-822-9000
Apartment complexes in Arcata, Samoa, Eureka. More being built. Some for seniors. Income-based rent for low-income applicants. All utilities paid (solar powered).

Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC): Phone 707-463-1975  **  {Fax: 707-463-2252}  **  Email:
The mission of Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation is to provide decent, affordable housing to low and moderate income persons. Apartments for disabled individuals are available at several of these housing communities. Please contact RCHDC for more information. Download and complete the Pre-Application located at the designated area after each community. 
Family apartment communities and others can be found here:

Special Needs – Humboldt:

• Arcata Bay Crossing: 31 apartments in Arcata: 280 E Street, Arcata, CA 95521 **  (707) 633-0013  **  Apply to Live here.

Seniors - Humboldt County:

• Bayview Courtyard: 26 apartments in Arcata: 550 Union Street, Arcata, CA 95521,  **  (707) 826-7312.  **  Apply to Live Here.

Seniors - Del Norte County:

• Seagull Villa: 49 apartments in Crescent City: 655 Pacific Ave, Crescent City, CA 95531.  **   (707) 464-7612.  **  Apply to Live here.


Housing Guide, Property Manager, Apartment Rentals

Humboldt State Polytechnic Off-Campus Housing Guide: (excellent info!)

Property Managers list:


Strombeck Properties: Phone 707-822-4557 {Fax 707-822-4525}
960 S. G St., Arcata, CA
Monday – Friday 9am - 12pm [lunch] 1pm - 5pm
To check for available apartments:
For applications:

Waterfront Recovery Center: 707-269-9590 ext 202
The center is residential treatment for persons in recovery and those in need to detox.
2413 2nd St. Eureka CA 95501 **  Email: **


Legal Assistance 

Family Law Self-Help Center: 707-445-7256
825 Fifth Street, Room 303, Eureka  **
Provides help with both family and civil law. Services are available to all parties who represent themselves regardless of income. Center staff can provide information about your rights and obligations.

Stay in touch

with the Basic Needs Center


Eureka Site
Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
After Hours: Call (707) 476-4111 for a food bag

Del Norte Site
Tues/Wed: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 1:00pm

By appointment only.  Call (530) 625-4821.


Mendocino Lounge, between Student Services and Housing
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